What Can Be Expected Before, During, or After Root Canal Treatment?

What Can Be Expected Before, During, or After Root Canal Treatment?
March 1, 2022

Just the thought of undergoing an endodontic procedure at our dental clinic near you puts fear in most hearts. Rightfully so, since decades ago, getting a root canal was not a pleasant experience. But, today, endodontics in Elk Grove is not the same. Technology has advanced so much that when our dentist near you performs a root canal, you will not experience any sort of pain and discomfort.

So, you have no excuse for not visiting our dental clinic near you if you have a tooth infection. If you do not seek treatment when you have a tooth infection, you might end up losing a tooth, or even worse, the infection may affect the jaw and surrounding structures.

Don’t let the myths fool you; root canals are performed to remove the infection and bacteria, thus alleviating pain and saving your natural tooth.

Why Are Root Canals Needed?

Your teeth have different parts, not just the visible white part, known as the enamel. Underneath the enamel, there is the dentin, pulp, and roots. The enamel will always protect the inner parts of the tooth. But if it is structurally compromised, as is the case with tooth cavities, then the pulp and roots become infected.

Once the infection reaches the pulp and the roots, there is no choice but to remove the infected or diseased pulp to stop the spread of the infection and save your tooth.

Infected pulp will make you feel a lot of pain, and you also are at risk of developing a dental abscess. A tooth abscess is usually viewed as a dental emergency because it can be life-threatening.

Before Root Canal Treatment

Before our dentist recommends that you undergo a root canal, there’s going to be an investigation to ensure that endodontics in Elk Grove is the right move. In most cases, the pain you experience when you have a tooth infection will alert you that something is wrong with your teeth.

A simple filling should fix the problem if it is a tooth cavity. But if the infection has gone deep, a root canal is the best way to deal with it.

Our dentist will go over the options you have as far as sedation and pain relief goes. Also, this is when our dentist will check your medical history and the list of medications you are taking. Once all the issues have been cleared, our dentist will set an appointment for a later date.

During Treatment

The root canal procedure is usually executed in three steps and may take more than one dental appointment. Here’s a snippet:

    • Step 1

The procedure will commence with our dentist cleaning out the root canal or pulp chamber. This part of the procedure will be carried out under anesthesia to ensure that you don’t experience any discomfort.

Our dentist will have to access the inner parts using a drill to remove all the decayed or damaged tissue within your pulp chamber. The pulp chamber has to be thoroughly cleaned to ensure that all the bacteria and infected pulp has been removed, thus reducing the chances of reinfection.

    • Step 2

Then, our dentist will clean the pulp chamber and decontaminate it by flooding it with an antiseptic solution. Once the area is clean and bacteria-free, our dentist will shape it and fill it up using a material known as gutta-percha before sealing it up.

If the tooth infection is severe, our dentist may decide to send you home with medication placed within the pulp chamber to help clear out the infection. Our dentist may use a temporary filling to protect the tooth while waiting for your permanent restoration.

    • Step 3

Lastly, you will come to our office to receive the permanent tooth restoration. You might get a tooth crown or a permanent filling; all this depends on what our dentist recommends.

What Happens After a Root Canal?

You can expect to feel some soreness and pain in the treated area after the local anesthetic has worn off. This will last for a few days, so our dentist will prescribe some painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the discomfort and pain. Healing will occur in a few days, especially within 7 or 10 days.

Don’t let a tooth infection diminish the quality of your life. Reach out to us at Laguna Dental & Orthodontics to get proper oral care.

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